Sailing Instructor Training Programme
The Kintyre Seasports Instructor Training Programme started in 2022. It is run in partnership with Campbeltown Grammar School. It offers S2 pupils the chance to get afloat and try out sailing. It then offers the chance to learn more and progress towards sailing instructor qualifications.
Overall Achievement since 2022
S2 Pupils attended a
taster session
Pupils have received RYA Level 1 or 2 Qualifications
Gained Powerboat
Level 2 Certificates
Pupils awarded Assistant Instructors Qualifications
Sign up and information for participants in the programme:
2024 Activity
S2 Pupils - Cohort 3
Taster sessions
65 pupils attend a dinghy sailing taster session. Sessions began with an introduction to the boats, then getting afloat and learning to steer and balance the boats by playing games while paddling. This built the knowledge and confidence, for most pupils, to have their first sail, generally with the pupils sailing downwind and being towed back to the beach. The sessions ended with the chance to get in the water, through learning how to deal with a capsized dinghy or jumping from the safety boat and swimming to shore.
Week Course
27 participants then went on to take part in a week of sailing skills following the RYA National Sailing Scheme. Using communication and teamwork they learnt to sail a dinghy on the loch, through a mixture of exercises, games, and theory. This course helps develop the participants dynamic risk assessment, by being allowed to use their own judgment to assess situations, in a safe and controlled environment, as well as individual's resilience when being on their own in a boat and it doesn't always go to plan.
All participants received an RYA logbook showing the skills and knowledge they had acquired. The participants now have the skills needed to take a dinghy out themselves, in good weather and with safety cover. They also discovered how a boat works, and other useful nautical skills such as chartwork and understanding weather forecasts.
2024 Achievements
S2 Pupils attended a
taster session
Pupils have received RYA Level 1 or 2 Qualifications
Pupils awarded Assistant Instructors Qualifications
Gained Powerboat
Level 2 Certificates
Cohort 1 and 2 ​
Having previously joined the Instructor Training Programme when they were in S2, they were keen to continue and improve on the sailing and nautical skills they have learnt. We have presented the opportunity for them to drive a powerboat, with 7 earning their Powerboat level 2 certificate this year. They are progressing well towards becoming assistant instructors with 2 being awarded the qualification this year.
Eventually, the participants will have the opportunity to become an RYA Instructor, which offers further employment opportunities both close to home and abroad, and shows a fantastic skillsets for participants CV.
Education and Employability
The Instructor Development Programme has been supported by funding from the John Mather Trust, Trinity House, the Argyll and Bute Council Supporting Communities Fund, East Kintyre Windfarm Trust and the TK Foundation. Without this support we would not have been able to provide the opportunities that we have, or to qualify as a Recognised Training Centre and issue internationally recognised qualifications to participants.